Rainbows, Bluebirds and Buffleheads

When I teach, I tell stories about birds I’ve met and many of you have asked me to share my stories in writing.  I also am asked how I could manage to learn so much about birds.  Well, let me tell you a story…..

In Rainbows, Bluebirds and Buffleheads I share my favorite memories and stories about birds and how they changed my life.  You’ll meet the rainbow birds that started it all and some amazing people who helped me when I was a fledgling.  Midnight owl surveys…an avalanche of birds…Ralph-ael…bare-handing birds…pileated prowess…and so much more.

Finally I have answered your requests and am excited to share many of my birding life stories with you.


6X9 inches 312 pages

Autographed copies are available for $18.00 — includes shipping and tax.  Not available outside the continental United States.  Mail check or money order to:  Bill Beatty, 540 Genteel Ridge Road, Wellsburg, WV  26070  Please make sure you include your shipping address.

Bill Beatty

Bill Beatty

3 thoughts on “Rainbows, Bluebirds and Buffleheads

  1. Pingback: Owls In the Family…Great Horned Owls | Bill Beatty Nature

  2. Pingback: Pine Siskin Irruption – 2020 | Bill Beatty Nature

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