Creature Feature:

Investigate Nature with Fun, Nearby Creatures!

Front Cover (Photos (c) Bill Beatty)

Back Cover (Photos (c) Bill Beatty)

The more you pay attention to it, the more you realize that Nature is amazing, wonderful, astonishing, even startling, and certainly miraculous! But where do you go and how do you learn to pay closer attention to the incredible things Nature has to offer? How can you share Nature’s miracles with others?

Creature Feature is designed to be used by a variety of people in a variety of settings. From an adult who is falling in love with the complexities of Nature to an educator who wants their students to go beyond theory and reading-about into the realm of hands-on experience…. From a grandparent, uncles/aunts, or older sibling to a scout leader, home-school parent, or the “nature lady” in the neighborhood…. The creatures in Creature Feature can be discovered and enjoyed by yourself, with a friend, or with a whole group!

These creatures are safe to keep when you follow the directions in Creature Feature. They are common to most areas and usually easy to find when you know where to look.

Each of the 20 Creature Feature chapters begins with a color photo showing what the creature looks like. Below is from the chapter called “Caterpillars”.

Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar (Photo (c) Bill Beatty)

After the photo are 2 Creature Feature fun pages. They include true/false questions and answers to show what you already know about the creature. They also include more information, puzzles, jokes, or fun activities.

After the activity pages, you will read detailed information about each creature and how to keep it so you can learn more about it.

Front Cover (Photos (c) Bill Beatty)

Don’t just watch creatures online. Don’t just read about amazing Nature. Make friends personally with some of Nature’s most interesting creatures in a way that’s safe for them, safe for you, and lots of fun! And share the fascination of Nature with people you care about!

Autographed copies are available for $27.00 (includes shipping and tax). Mail check to: Bill Beatty, 540 Genteel Ridge Road, Wellsburg, WV 26070. Please make sure to include your shipping address. Not available outside the continental United States.

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